Our Training Philosophy

Here at Dog Training Adventures we believe that everyone’s dog is unique and their training should reflect that! We are LIMA dog trainers which stands for Least Invasive, Minimally Aversive and adhere to a code of ethics put out by the International Association Of Animal Behavior Consultants. By utilizing the Hierarchy of Needs and Human Hierarchy we are able to address and train a wide array of skills and problems while ensuring our dogs are happy, healthy, and advocated for!

As LIMA trainers we do not utilize aversive training tools including, prong, e-collars, and front clip “easy walk” harnesses. We do not judge those who decide to use these and are able to help those who want to phase these out of their training! Inappropriate or excessive use of these tools will result in referral out to another trainer or termination of services.

Meet Nicole and Genesis

Nicole is the owner and trainer here at Dog Training Adventures, and Genesis is a 26 pound shiba inu who was the inspiration behind it all! For over 10 years Nicole has worked with various types of animals, everything from exotic animals at the zoo, farm animals, and of course domesticated animals like dogs, cat, rabbits, and more! She started training dogs her sophmore year of high school, and has been training professionally for almost 5 years now!

Genesis the shiba inu is the dog that set Nicole on the path to being a professional dog trainer. Shibas are notorious for being a more difficult breed, which led Nicole to deep dive into training to see how far they could go together! Genesis is now a retired service dog and also holds multiple titles including the CGC, CGCA, CGCU and Novice Trick Title!

A shiba inu wearing a pink, blue, and purple service dog harness and bright pink collar sits on her handlers lap. The handler has bright pink hair and a white shirt. Both are smiling into the camera

Continuing Education


Seminars/ Webinars

Online Courses

Nicole is an Accredited Dog Trainer the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, a well known organization promoting ethical animal behavior consulting and training.

Nicole is an American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen and Trick Title evaluator.

Nicole graduated from the CATCH Canine Trainer's Academy in their Dog Training and Behavior Basics Pro level

Feywild Dog Training Webinars Nicole has attended include :

  • Crossing Over

  • DPT The Feywild Way

  • Service Dogs for EDS/HSD

  • Heartrate Alert Class

  • Tricky Teens Surviving Service Dog Adolescence

In July 2023 Nicole got the opportunity to travel to Chicago to attend the Service Dog Unity Training Seminar and work and learn hands on with some top service dog trainers, Morgan Donahue, Lisa Lima, and Makayla Binkus, as well as owner of Bold lead Designs mobility gear maker Katrina Boldry

Nicole is currently enrolled in Sit Stay Squat's Canine Conditioning Course to learn more about proper canine fitness!

While Nicole no longer trains with the same methodology, she did complete the Service Dog Success OnIine school with Heart and Soul K9 Training